

Linar Algebra Fundamentals of Linear Algebra. Read more.
Arduino This is an introductory course to Arduino development, aimed primarily at high school students. Read more.

Old stuff

C# Fundamentals This course is designed for beginners in C# programming language and programming in general. (the course website)


Algorithms via C# This course is designed for those with some knowledge of computer programming. It describes some of the common algorithms. (the course website)


Edit to the Reference booklet.

Discovering programming languages This course is designed for beginners in computer programming, and aims to give an overview of existing programming languages and the field they are being used in.


  • Presentation – the actual presentation
  • Benefits of .NET – the addition text about the benefits of .NET
  • Quiz – a short quiz on the entire presentation
HTML Basics This course is designed for beginners in web design, and it aims to give the skills needed to work with HTML when creating and editing websites.


Website protection This course is designed for experienced web designers that would like to explore different ways of protecting a website.


More courses will come soon!